Published Jul 26, 2024
OneDrive is updating storage policies for business and enterprise unlicensed accounts, effective late January to March 2025. Unlicensed accounts over 90 days will be archived and inaccessible to users but visible to admins. Actions include archiving, deletion, or renewal. Education tenants are currently exempt.
Updated: January 27, 2025: Today, we are starting to implement the update for unlicensed OneDrive accounts.
For accounts unlicensed before February 17, 2025:
For accounts unlicensed after February 17, 2025, the account will be put into read-only mode on the 60th unlicensed day and will be archived or moved to the recycle bin on the 93rd unlicensed day.
OneDrive is making changes to storage policies of unlicensed Microsoft OneDrive accounts for business and enterprise customers. These changes do not apply to customers in Education tenants.*
When will this happen:
General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out late January 2025 and expect to complete by late March 2025.
How this will affect your organization
After this storage policy goes into effect in your tenant, any OneDrive user accounts that have been unlicensed for more than 90 days will be archived automatically and will become inaccessible to end users. Admins can view these accounts with admin tools, but the accounts will not be accessible to users until admins take action on them. For example, a OneDrive account that became unlicensed on August 1, 2025 will be inaccessible to users as of October 1, 2025.
As an admin, you can view a list of unlicensed accounts in your tenant by navigating to SharePoint admin center > Reports > OneDrive accounts. Some admins will have access to this page as soon as July 26, 2024, but most admins will be able to access the page closer to August 16, 2024.
The Unlicensed OneDrive accounts page that will be in Microsoft admin center:
After the unlicensed accounts are automatically archived, you can access the files in these accounts by enabling unlicensed account billing in the Microsoft 365 admin center. Once enabled, unlicensed account billing applies to all unlicensed OneDrive accounts in your tenant. There is a fee of $0.05/GB/month to store unlicensed accounts in the Microsoft 365 Archive, and a fee of $0.60/GB to reactivate accounts stored in the Microsoft 365 Archive. Account reactivation takes up to 24 hours and provides 30 days of access to the account, and then the account returns to an archived state.
If you take no action for OneDrive accounts that have been unlicensed for longer than 90 days, these accounts will remain inaccessible to end users until you set up an Azure subscription and enable unlicensed account billing in the Microsoft SharePoint admin center. This action will not affect tenants who have not changed the default tenant retention settings.
What you need to do to prepare
To prepare for this change, admins can view a list of all the unlicensed OneDrive accounts in their tenant by going to the SharePoint admin center and navigating to Reports > OneDrive accounts (this page will be rolled out to admins between July 26, 2024 and August 16, 2024). This page will provide the number of unlicensed accounts and why the accounts are unlicensed. You may have unlicensed accounts in your tenant for four reasons:
After you have taken inventory of your unlicensed accounts, we recommend that you take the following action before January 27, 2025.
*At this time, these changes do not apply to customers in Education tenants. An Education tenant is any tenant with more than 50% education licenses. Any tenant with fewer than 50% education licenses is considered commercial. However, for any education tenant, unlicensed OneDrive accounts consume pooled storage and can pose security and compliance risks. IT admins can view the unlicensed accounts on the OneDrive accounts page to identify unlicensed accounts and take action.
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