MC866443 - Viva Amplify: UTC toggle


Microsoft Viva


Aug 19, 2024


New feature
User impact
Admin impact




Viva Amplify introduces a UTC toggle feature to align time zones for campaign members, aiding in consistent data understanding. It will roll out from late August to late September 2024. The toggle affects all timeline graphs in reports and indicates when UTC is used. Preparation includes user notification and training material updates. Roadmap ID: 407862.

More information

Often the time zone where a publication is sent from and those of the target audience don’t match. And in many cases different audiences each reside in different time zones, making the data a bit complicated for campaign members to digest.

The ability to toggle between the user’s local time and a standardized time zone, UTC, helps the user ensure they are comparing and understanding things in the same way as their colleagues.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 407862

When this will happen:

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out late August 2024 and expect to complete by late September 2024.

How this will affect your organization:

The UTC toggle, available in the “Edit view” panel is at the report level, either the Campaign report or Publication report, and affects all graphs on the page with a time line across the X axis.

Once the toggle is switched to UTC, the cards on the reports will indicate that is it no longer in the user’s local time by displaying that it is UTC next to the “last update” time stamp. 

What you need to do to prepare:

For admins: you might want to inform users and/or update existing internal user training materials and documentation.

Use reporting signals in Microsoft Viva Amplify to understand campaign performance